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Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2018 angezeigt.

Thoughts on nutrition: Lessons Learned from Alan Aragon Pt 1

Past weekend I spent 18 hours in a lecture room at the University of Sports, listening to a presentation by Alan Aragon ( https://alanaragon.com ). Alan is probably the scientific authority when it comes to nutritional research. The event was hosted by the continuous education board ( https://www.bspa-fortbildungsakademie.at ) of the national sports academy ( http://www.bspa.at ), a government-run education program for sports and fitness professionals here in Austria. Among other topics, Alan elaborated on the scientific state of the art regarding macronutrient timing and construction, meal frequency, dietary supplements, muscle gain and fat loss. The presentation was concise and well-delievered, which comes at no surprise when consisting Alan's professional standing. Of all the things that were discussed, Alan's 10 rules of what constitutes a healthy diet were, in my opinion, the biggest take away point. When looking at the big picture, many factors that are often sold as the

Recommended Reading: Fat Loss Happens On Monday

This is one of the better books on applied #nutrition I've read in quite some time. A lot of the material @joshuahillis goes over roughly corresponds to the stuff you learn at the @precisionnutrition level 1 certification. #danjohn contributes with easy-to-implement workouts to accelerate #fatloss. The authors even propose an #undulating #periodization scheme for the training part, which is seldom seen in books aimed at the general public. Practicality trumps optimality and proper #habits are at the foundation of a healthy and effective diet. #recommendedreading #continuingeducation #fatlosshappensonmonday #blogpost

Thoughts on Nutrition: Fat Loss Recipes Pt 1

My previous posts were rather in-depth and heavy with references. Hence, I've decided to do something a bit lighter for a change. Today's post will be on food, which is no total coincidence, as I'm attending an Alan Aragon ( https://alanaragon.com ) seminar on nutrition this weekend. Just came home from 9 hours of lectures.  I'm currently in the process of making weight for the NMAC Battle of Vienna. I'll be competing for the first time in quite a while under a limited MMA rule set. I compete I the -70my division. Weigh I will be on competition day, so I can't cut a lot of water weight. This means I have to make smart use of my nutrition skills to get down to something around 72kg and then cut the last 3%. Currently, my intake is at 2000kcal. On this occasion, I thought I 'd share some of the recipes that help me get through the day, perform at an acceptable level and retain as much muscle as I can despite my hypocaloric diet. #1 Legal Cakes Browni