So over the last days I trained a lot. Couldn't make it to the gym 4 times weekly, but I made up for that with specific training.
Anyhow, after doing the "pull"-workout twice and the "push"-workout once (today is going to be the second time), some details on exercise execution have changed.
After performing the "push"-workout for a second time today, I'll be posting the loading patterns.
So long,
take care
Anyhow, after doing the "pull"-workout twice and the "push"-workout once (today is going to be the second time), some details on exercise execution have changed.
- Tactical pullups became standard, wide-grip pullups. I need to re-adat to pullups before increasing difficulty.
- Snatch-grip atg squats became standard atg fron squats. My wrists are hurting like hell with the snatch grip. I can't allow a strength exercise to hinder my striking.
After performing the "push"-workout for a second time today, I'll be posting the loading patterns.
So long,
take care
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