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Trainer Course, BSPA Linz, Week 1, Day 5

My second last day here in Linz is just coming to an end...

I arrived here monday morning. Nothing worth mentioning happened, except for the fact maybe that I actually got my training schedule to work. Just did a crisp session during lunch break. On tuesday, I felt those deadlifts, hard...

You see, on tuesday, they started by putting us through a battery of tests like standing broad jump, 20m sprints, skipping, etc, etc... all very much leg dominant. Then, for a good finish, we did a [Conconi] test at around 6pm, Needless to say, I was pretty wasted.

Now the point is that I'm somewhat in a hurry to complete my [current training program]. On June 29th I'll go to China and obviously, I'll get a bit weaker over the trip. If I can make it to the gym while I'm there, fine. I won't sacrifice any Kung Fu in favor of general S&C, though... Hence, I need to make sure to get as strong as I can before my departure. Therefore, I decided to do another heavy lifting session on Wednesday. Since the first two days took their toll, I reduced the session in volume and skipped two out of three assistance exercises. Still, the fact that I'm not perfectly regenerated (to say the least) became painfully apparent when, in the AMRAP set, I was only able to complete 4 reps on both the deadlift and weighted pull-up (where 5 reps was considered the day's minimum requirement). To make things worse, immediately after my session (which I scheduled to fall into lunch break), they took us through another test battery. Again, we did 20m sprints, tapping, jumps for height and similar stuff...

Yesterday, it was mostly theory before hitting the track again for a tasty 5000 m run to test our anaerobic capacity. To be honest, I took it relatively easy the first 4.6 km and then finished the whole thing with an all-out 400m sprint. I either move slow or fast... I'm not the guy for moderation.

Today, we did some more running. After a rather fun session on strength-endurance circuits, we hit the track once more and performed a Crescendo test, which is pretty much a Conconi test with speed increases every 400m instead of 200m. Hence, it'll take roughly twice the time and leave you even more wasted...

For me, this is becoming ridiculous. We did 3 exhaustive (i.e., to the point of cardiovascular failure) tests in just four days. All based on running. In addition to that, we did some jumps for both height and distance, along with some tapping, skipping and sprinting. Now I'm all for work capacity, but it'd be nice to mix things up a bit. I'm really no endurance athlete, after all...

Just to give you an overview of what I did over the last five days (including today), here's the schedule so far:
  • Monday:
    • 09:45 - 12:00 Course opening and organisational issues
    • (we finished this at 11:00. Only session so far that ended early. Hence, I trained from 11:30 until 12:30)
    • 13.15 - 14:45 Some general stuff I can't quite remember...
    • 15.00 - 18:00 General training theory (test criteria)
  • Tuesday:
    • 08:00 - 09:30 Massage - theory
    • 09:45 - 12:00 Test battery I
    • 13:15 - 15:15 Massage practice
    • 15:30 - 17:00 Special training theory (Conconi)
    • 17:15 - 19:30 Go out and perform a Conconi test (Test didn't take all that long. We did it in 4 groups, though, warmed up quite a bit, covered the theoretical aspects,...)
  • Wednesday:
    • 08:00 - 09:30 Seminary from 
    • 09:45 - 12:00 Muscle function tests
    • (here I hit the gym from around 12:30 to 13:00...)
    • 13:30 - 15:45 Test battery II
    • 16:00 - 18:15 Evaluation of the Conconi tests
  • Thursday:
    • 08:00 - 10:15 Sports paedagogics and methodology
    • 10:30 - 12:00 Practice with [overspeed trainers], mostly jumps and sprints (both resisted and supported)
    • 13:15 - 14:45 Sports paedagogics and methodology
    • 15:00 - 18:00 5k run (the run took me approximately 25 minutes... the rest was spent on theory, warm-up, coaching the second group, etc.)
  • Friday:
    • 08:00 - 10:15 General training theory (Endurance)
    • 10:30 - 12:00 Practice session on strength-endurance circuits
    • 13:30 - 15:00 Special training theory (Crescendo Test)
    • 15:15 - 17:30 Go out and perform a Crescendo test
    • 17:45 - 19:15 Evaluation of the Crescendo test
I'm not exactly sure about what's up tomorrow, but I was told there'd be some endurance test... Just have to soldier through that final test, I guess.

I'll share some of my impressions in the days to come,
so long,

take care


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